
Energy today. The "Expensive Bills" Problem

The sharp increases in energy bills for electricity and gas illustrate better than any other story the difficult economic and political situation in which, unfortunately, we find ourselves. A period of great turbulence on the energy markets that began in the summer of 2021 and whose negative effects were further magnified with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the main energy partner of several European countries, including Italy.

The data leaves no doubt. The trend of the PUN (National Single Price), index of the reference price of electricity on the Italian electricity exchange, demonstrates how we have gone from an average monthly cost of 0.084 per €/kWh in June 2021 to one of 0.441 last month of July. A considerable imbalance, which was achieved through constant and rapid growth in prices. The same can be said for gas, today at the center of the crisis also due to the implications of the ongoing war. To understand the extent of the increases, it is sufficient to remember that at the end of August they came close to 300 euros per megawatt hour, or ten times more than what was quoted in January 2021.

This bull run has also led to extraordinary interventions by governments. The Italian one has allocated several billion euros - and perhaps more are planned - to curb high bills and reduce their impact on consumers and businesses. Equally at community level, work is underway for a so-called "ceiling" on the price of Russian gas.

 Considering the situation, it is highly probable that the current crisis - barring unexpected events - is destined to last for a long time. And it is in difficult moments like these that we realize how energy, too often taken for granted, is indispensable for carrying out most of our daily activities.

In this complicated framework, Audax Renewables will continue to do what it has always done: work to offer a quality supply service at advantageous prices.

This can happen thanks to the ever-increasing share of renewable energy generated in our photovoltaic and wind plants around the world and through the signing of important agreements with reliable players for the purchase of renewable 100% energy. The future, that which passes through the energy transition and a decarbonised economy, can only tend towards green energy sources.

To this we must add the guarantee given by a structurally organized and financially solid Group like Audax Renovables.

We believe that only by continuing on this path will it be possible to overcome this critical period together.

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